It’s Wednesday, Middle of the week. And it’s time to introduce a new mid-week feature here at our fast-growing blog: The Sneak Prevue Mail Bag.
Every Wednesday starting today, I will dig deep into the overflowing Sneak Prevue mailbag (yes, in the two weeks we have been publishing we have received a slew of e-mails with questions from readers). And I will try to answer some of the more interesting queries.
So, here goes. And remember, if you have a question for me on anything related to film, both classic and contemporary, feel free to drop us a line at editor@sneakprevue.info. We’ll answer them as soon as possible.
Mr. Cassreino: You mentioned in your Sneak Prevue Web site biography that you worked at the Plaza Cinema 4 in New Orleans East while you were in high school. Did you really? I went there once a long, long time ago with my girlfriend, I think it was back in 1979. We tried one busy Saturday night to enter a sold-out showing of “The Main Event” with Barbra Streisand. And when the usher refused to let me in the sold-out auditorium, I purposely threw a full glass of Coke and popcorn all over him. Was that you? If so, I’m sorry. – J.P. from New Orleans