Monday, September 19, 2011

Bad movies I love: ‘Airport ’77’ is insipid, idiotic entertainment


Shortly after Jack Lemmon’s character is knocked out, his co-pilot takes control of the private Boeing 747 and crashes it in the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle.

So begins “Airport ’77,” the second sequel to the 1970 film “Airport” – the original blockbuster disaster potboiler about a day at an airport and the flight threatened by a man with a bomb.

But “Airport ’77” is cheesier, more unbelievable and incredibly more melodramatic than “Airport” and its first awful sequel “Airport 1975.”

As the 747 sinks in the Atlantic and lands perilously on the edge of an abyss, the film becomes a sloppy, unintentionally funny riff on the disaster classic “The Poseidon Adventure.”

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sneak Prevue Mailbag: We’re back after a brief absence


After a brief respite, Sneak Prevue returns today.

And one of the first things we’ll do is dig deep into our mailbag to answer several burning questions. You have questions – we have answers. You don’t have to agree with them, but we have answers.

So, let’s get down to business.

Mr. Cassreino: Where have you been? I’ve checked and checked and checked Sneak Prevue for a new critique, but haven’t seen one in a while. Did you shutter your blog? – Emily in Dallas

Dear Emily: No. I haven’t shuttered the blog. Sneak Prevue is still around. I’ve had a lot going on the past month, starting a new job and taking care of two beautiful children. I needed the time to settle into my new position before I could set aside the time I need to maintain the blog.